Tuesday, September 02, 2008

all tomorrow's parties.

i am trying to catch up, people (well, the five people who look at this)...
these are back during my trip to rapid city to visit the soderlins. ryan cooked up this huge hunk of beef, which should surprise no one who knows him...

it turned out fantastic, which should also not surprise a soul.

also, ryan surprised me by pulling out "beer christ," which was my graduation present to him back in the last millennium, circa 1997, i think. this was shortly after "piss christ" got some headlines. to me, this summed up parts of ryan's personality. i spent a number of hours on it, actually. glad i did. it has aged well (it pry helps that ryan keeps it in a closet, which is truly where it belongs).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...Beer Christ.

I remember it's immaculate conception like it was yesterday.