Sunday, February 17, 2008

i am the iceman, fightin' for the right to live.

a few weeks ago we were supposed to get a bunch of snow overnight, so i set my alarm early. sometimes the best way to feature hunt in the snow is on foot. not this morning, though. pretty much came back home empty-handed. we did not get the snowfall that was predicted, and i did not find a cool feature. heck, i was a better picture than anything else i saw.

one coworker likes to say nice light follows me around. well, he is not with me on mornings like this when i get nothing.

for those wondering: the beard was usually was not so unkempt-looking. like i said, i just rolled out of bed. and it is back short again (wishful thinking for spring).


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you snapped a shot of yourself before trimming that unsightly hedge. It'll be good for you to someday look back and wonder, "What was I thinking?"

Unknown said...

It's a nice beard, but I wouldn't call you Grizzly Adams.

barb said...

You must have been really beat up about it -- that's why you have the track of a frozen tear running down your cheek.

Anonymous said...

why are you crying matt? i'll be in omaha soon! just a few more days! -ed

Travis said...

Remember that homeless guy who used to lie around the Nebraska Union? The one who only spoke in grunts? Well, you look like that guy.

Ryan said...

You look like your mom in this picture. Oh, hoo-hah!