Thursday, December 20, 2007

i try to tell it like it is and keep away from pranks.

a lot of covering major sports is not really about shooting, it is dealing with problems: hassles, no-shows, nay-sayers, people in the way, no-men. it drains energy and creativity.

one of my favorite people in big red country is butch hug. he is basically in charge of every events that happens at the school. he even runs the starter pistol at state high school track.

he is direct. he is friendly. he does his job well and lets you do yours. if he says, "no," he has a good reason behind it. it is always nice when i see him at an event because i know that means things will go smoothly.

anyway, wild bill and i were walking around the stadium before a high school final football game in search of edible food. i saw butch watching the crowd spill in from one of the empty portions of the stadium...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brown noser